For many of us, home is where we can relax, get away from the rest of the world, and feel at peace. But too often, our fortresses of solitude are invaded by the sounds of traffic, neighbours, pedestrians, and construction, all of which are trying to bother us and shake our minds out of their peace.

Even if this is a sign of modern life, we don’t have to put up with it. In this article, we’ll talk about how to make your house less noisy and bring back the zen of a quiet home.

How does sound insulation work?

Before we can answer this, we need to know what sound is and how it works. At its most basic, a sound is the energy that something gives off when it vibrates. This energy comes from a source and moves out in waves that make the air and any objects they touch vibrate at the same frequency.

Sound waves can pass through most things more easily than light waves can, which is why you can still hear traffic noise even when your windows are shut.

Soundproofing works by putting more obstacles in the way of sound waves. This lowers the energy of each wave until it can’t be heard or is muffled so much that it’s hard to hear.

Most common reasons people soundproof their homes

People soundproof their homes for many reasons, but the most common ones are to stop noise from getting in or out and to raise the value of the home.

To stop noise from getting in

If you live in a busy area where there is a lot of traffic on the roads and on foot, you know how annoying street noise can be. Engines, screeching tyres, horns, sirens, and people shouting are all common sounds that can make it hard to sleep or focus.

Neighbors who are rude and loud can be a nightmare. Whether it’s a ridiculously loud TV or late-night parties that never end, these things can seriously hurt your quality of life by messing up your sleeping patterns and not giving your mind a chance to rest after a day of people asking for your attention.

To stop noise from getting out

Musicians, vloggers, and other professionals who need a place to record may want to think about their neighbours and soundproof their home or at least a room. This is done so that they make as little noise as possible and don’t disturb the lives of people who live nearby.

Increased value

Homes with good soundproofing make it easier to relax. As soon as you walk in, you are cut off from the noise of the outside world. This quietness can add a lot to the value of your home, especially if you live next to a busy road or in a noisy neighbourhood.

How to soundproof your house from outside noise

Now that we know what soundproofing is and why people do it, let’s talk about how you can do the same thing in your home.

  • Fix your walls if there are any holes or cracks. Check your walls and pay close attention to the areas around window frames, ventilation grates, and electrical sockets. Use caulk to fix any holes or cracks you find. If there is a lot of damage, reach out to a professional to handle drywall or plaster cracks and holes.
  • Don’t let anyone in. By putting weathering strips on your door frames, you can stop heat from escaping and make it harder for noise to travel through your home.
  • Change the doors inside your house. If the doors inside your home are hollow, you might want to replacing them with solid doors. This will cut down on the amount of sound that can get through. You could try fitting it yourself, but if you want really good results, you should call in the pros.
  • Get new windows or fix the ones you have. Depending on how many windows you replace, this is a pricey choice. But switching to double- or triple-paned windows with PVC frames can cut noise pollution by a lot. If you like natural materials, having your wooden windows and frames repaired can also help cut down on the noise from outside.
  • Fix squeaky floors. Hardwood floors look great and can give a room a lot of character, but if one or more of the floorboards are loose, it can be a squeaky nightmare that never ends. Even though a fresh installation would be great, the best way to get your flooring back in shape with trusty specialists.
  • Walls and ceilings should be insulated. Putting insulation behind your walls and ceiling panels, like ceiling panels, mass-loaded vinyl, neoprene rubber, viscoelastic foam, and fibreglass, can cut down on the amount of noise coming in or going out of your home by a lot.

Smart home organising tips that help with noise absorption

If you can’t use the above ideas because you don’t have enough money or because you rent the property, there are some other things you can do that won’t break the bank or need someone else’s permission.

  • Make use of big, thick rugs. If you don’t want to cover your hardwood floors, rugs are the next best thing for reducing noise from below. The right rug can bring a room together and give your feet a soft, warm place to land.
  • Consider putting up heavy curtains. By switching to curtains made of a heavier material, you can block out a surprising amount of noise from the street. Make sure your curtains also cover the wall below and above the windows to block even more noise.
  • Rearrange your furniture. You can block some of the noise from the people next door by putting your bigger pieces of furniture against the wall you share.
  • Build and fill a large bookcase. This one is for people who love books. You can choose bespoke furniture or flat pack assembly that you put together yourself. By filling the bookcase and making sure there isn’t a lot of empty space on the shelves, you will find that a lot of outside noise or noise from your neighbours can’t get into the room. This is because books are great at absorbing noise. If you love books very much, read our blog on how to make the perfect reading nook.

So, there you have it: a guide to making your house less noisy. We found that you can soundproof your home in a number of ways, from insulating with noise-absorbing materials to just putting down a rug and moving your furniture around. You can be successful with any one of these tips, but for the best results, we recommend that you use a few of them at the same time.

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